Thursday, May 17, 2012

Weekly Weigh-in

Picture taken before I went to go weigh in
So this week I didn't really keep track of my "points" that Weight Watchers has you do, but I made a lot more healthier choices. So I was unsure what the scale would say this week.

I stepped on the scale and was excited to see that I had lost another 2.6 lbs! So I've lost a total of 14.2 lbs. I bet if I were keeping track of my points I would have lost more but this is also a LIFESTYLE change so I'm just glad I made healthier choices and it showed. YAY me!


  1. Way to kick trash!!! How are you doing on motivation?? are you struggling with that or are you doin alright?

  2. That is so exciting!!! 14 lbs is a lot!

  3. awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Keep up the good work Candace. I am so glad you are making healthier choices.

  5. Way to go Candace! Keep staying positive!
